
eBook Hoshin Kanri Strategy Implementation

I asked one question to a handful of employees across various levels and functions in an organization, starting from the CEO – ‘What is your company’s strategy?’ I was startled to learn that nearly every one had their own version of the company’s strategy. Some were close and others way apart from the originally conceived strategy. This might sound like an aberration and communication issue to you. I beg to present that this is merely a symptom of an underlying problem in the organization. When different functions and roles in the organization perceive strategy differently, that in itself is the starting point for an implementation failure.

While strategy formulation is traditionally driven by well devised and tested methods, it is widely accepted that there is lack of definitive method for strategy implementation.

I have put together an e-book titled “Hoshin Kanri: Strategy Implementation”. The purpose of this book is to provide necessary knowledge and insights for a leader who has to steward strategy implementation in his/her organization. I can assure you that it will be a good starting point. From my experience, I can observe that Hoshin Kanri fills that gap in strategy implementation by providing an robust method to deal with complex scenarios.

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Further Assistance

  • I would be happy to talk to you regarding:
  • Evaluating existing strategy implementation practices in your organization
  • Guiding in annual strategy offsite
  • Facilitating Goals & Strategies cascade vertically & horizontally
  • Build cross functional ownership and accountability
  • Hoshin Kanri Deployment
  • Coaching on Execution Excellence to build strong second level teams for execution

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